All packages displayed under the Standard Packages section can be used for all regular classes. Special events require the purchase of the specified special package and charity rides require the purchase of a karma package.
All packages are non-refundable and are sold in accordance with our terms and conditions. Please review package conditions carefully before purchasing and note that all packages have expiry dates that cannot be extended. Please also note that the Cayman Resident Trial is exclusively available as a one time purchae to full time Cayman residents who have never ridden with Ryde before, and who are intending to make a long term commitment to attending Ryde.
$11 per Ryde *no extensions
Let’s celebrate 7 Years Ryde Anniversary with a special deal!!
Our Most popular package $21 per Ryde
Our Best Deal....$19 Per Ryde.
1st time Ryders & Cayman residents only (PROOF OF RESIDENCY REQUIRED)
$10 charge for late cancel & no show. Credit card required on file.